Seppo School in Espoo, Southern Finland
Elementary school for 1–6 grades, and an international school of Espoo 270 (430) pupils
School premises built in 1964
The staff and pupils had been showing symptoms of poor indoor air quality for quite some time, such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and cough. The school had undergone major renovations and cleaning operations, but these were unable to fully cure all the symptoms, that seem to grow stronger over the time. Encouraged by the good results at the other schools in the area, the school management decided to contact Genano.
Genano air purifiers were first placed in those classrooms where teachers showed symptoms. When the health problems among teachers and students continued it was understood that it is not enough to clean the air in individual rooms. A comprehensive assessment of school premises, ventilation and a need and placement for air cleaners is the only way to guarantee clean air in the entire building.
During the spring of 2017, based on Genano’s recommendations to consider the air circulation from hallways to classrooms when pupils moved in and out between the lessons, carrying dust, pollution and fine particles within - more air purifiers were placed in the school premises. Wider range of Genano products was exploited in different sized classrooms and hallways, to guarantee a comprehensive cleaning of indoor air in all areas where people stayed.
"We can give people a positive statement regarding our indoor air quality, now that we have these purifiers protecting us". - Vice Principle Jouni-Jukka Annala
The improved air quality was quickly noticed around the school. Sick leaves have declined since the air purifiers arrived; people are healthier. The teachers also noticed, that clean indoor air has also improved the concentration of students, which makes normal schoolwork possible.
The difference in the situation has also been noticed by the Vice Principle Jouni-Jukka Annala: “All my symptoms simply disappeared when the air became clean. It is highly important, that we have a clean indoor air ensuring healthy environment, as it is also important from the recruitment point of view” Annala says. We can give people a positive statement regarding our indoor air quality, now that we have these purifiers protecting us".